Last week, I helped a client install a gallery wall. She has an amazing art collection, and it was a treat to arrange about thirty pieces throughout her home. Most were included in this large wall in the living room, with a few others elsewhere in the house. I wish I could have captured a picture of this entire wall for you! It's quite a sight.
I've also been out and about a lot over the past few weeks - antiquing, thrifting and sourcing at various stores. A few goodies that caught my eye...
And lastly, we've spent a few evenings with friends and my sister (my only immediate family who's local), which I've really appreciated. I took an unintentional break from email for just over a day (I know - not the longest break!) and was reminded that I need to do this more often! Running my business, I tend to work a lot of weekends and it's easy to get sucked into this habit. The way I'm wired, I definitely need breaks and am determined to do better with this! Hope you're well and enjoying these last bits of summer!